Magic Indoor and Decorative Sphagnum Moss
"It's here" Magic Indoor and Decorative Sphagnum Moss
Moss for doing house plant cuttings and layering plants into.
Totally natural semi-dried sphagnum moss, that is and holds the all important swap water in it. Swamp water is high in "Iodine", which helps all plants (and Humans) to recover from stress - examples - being cuttings.
- Carnivous plants love to grow in this natural mix and rain water.
- Top dressing around the top of all your house plants, new plants and especially ferns, bromeliads and other tropical like plants.
- It holds more moisture and increases humity.
- you can pick the sphagnum tips out of it and grow them on.
- This container can be turned upside down and used as a cutting pottle. We have a template on the bottom to show you how to do this.
Ideal for all other decorative uses.
Magic Moss is a NZ privately owned company, that cares for its enviroment by producing products that are totally sustainable harvested from it's own land.
100 percent recycled plastic.
"Try it" and your house plants and cuttings will love you.
Tip; for smaller cuttings, then pop this into a blender and make it finer.
Container size is 22 x 14 x 10 cms and contains (2 litres of moss when packed).
Its weight may vary due to moisture content. Approx 25 - 50 grams
Totally reuseable and 100 percent recycled plastic.